render() returns a RenderResult: an iterable of values that can be streamed or concatenated into a string.
A RenderResult can contain strings, nested render results, or Promises of strings or render results. Not all render results contain Promises—those can occur when custom elements perform async tasks, like fetching data—but because a RenderResult can contain Promises, processing it into a string or an HTTP response is potentially an async operation.
Even though a RenderResult can contain Promises, it is still a sync iterable, not an async iterable. This is because sync iterables are faster than async iterables and many server renders will not require async rendering, and so shouldn't pay the overhead of an async iterable.
Allowing Promises in a sync iterable creates a kind of hybrid sync / async iteration protocol. When consuming a RenderResult, you must check each value to see if it is a Promise or iterable and wait or recurse as needed.
@lit-labs/ssr contains three utilities to do this for you:
RenderResultReadable is a Node Readable stream implementation that provides values from a RenderResult. This can be piped into a Writable stream, or passed to web server frameworks like Koa.
This is the preferred way to handle SSR results when integrating with a streaming HTTP server or other stream-supprting API.
collectResultSync() is a sync function that takes a RenderResult and joins it into a string. It recurses into nested iterables, but throws when it encounters a Promise.
Because this function doesn't support async rendering, it's recommended to only use it when you can't await async functions.
The second argument to render() is a RenderInfo object that is used to pass options and current render state to components and sub-templates.
The main options that can be set by callers are:
deferHydration: controls whether the top-level custom elements have a defer-hydration attribute added to signal that the elements should not automatically hydrate. This defaults to false so that top-level elements do automatically hydrate.
elementRenderers: An array of ElementRenderer classes to use for rendering custom elements. By default this contains LitElementRenderer to render Lit elements. It can be set to include custom ElementRenderer instances (documentation forthcoming), or set to an empty array to disable custom element rendering altogether.
In order to render custom elements in Node, they must first be defined and registered with the global customElements API, which is a browser-only feature. As such, when Lit runs in Node, it automatically uses a set of minimal DOM APIs necessary to render Lit on the server, and defines the customElements global. (For a list of emulated APIs, see DOM emulation.)
Lit SSR provides two different ways of rendering custom elements server-side: rendering in the global scope or via VM modules. VM modules utilizes Node's vm.Module API, which enables running code within V8 Virtual Machine contexts. The two methods differ primarily in how global state, such as the custom elements registry, are shared.
When rendering in the global scope, a single shared customElements registry will be defined and shared across all render requests, along with any other global state that your component code might set.
Rendering with VM modules allows each render request to have its own context with a separate global from the main Node process. The customElements registry will only be installed within that context, and other global state will also be isolated to that context. VM modules are an experimental Node feature.
VM Module
Easy to use. Can import component modules directly and call render() with templates.
Custom elements are registered in a shared registry across different render requests.
Isolates contexts across different render requests.
Less intuitive usage. Need to write and specify a module file with a function to call.
Slower due the module graph needing to be re-evaluated per request.
Note: Using this feature requires Node 14+ and passing the --experimental-vm-modules flag to Node because of its use of experimental VM modules for creating a module-compatible VM context.