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The @lit-labs/react package provides utilities to create React wrapper components for web components, and custom hooks from reactive controllers.
The React component wrapper enables setting properties on custom elements (instead of just attributes), mapping DOM events to React-style callbacks, and enables correct type-checking in JSX by TypeScript.
The wrappers are targeted at two different audiences:
Users of web components can wrap components and controllers for their own use in their own React projects.
Vendors of components can publish React wrappers so that their React users have idiomatic versions of their components.
React can already render web components, since custom elements are just HTML elements and React knows how to render HTML. But React makes some assumptions about HTML elements that don't always hold for custom elements, and it treats lower-case tag names differently from upper-case component names in ways that can make custom elements harder than necessary to use.
For instance, React assumes that all JSX properties map to HTML element attributes, and provides no way to set properties. This makes it difficult to pass complex data (like objects, arrays, or functions) to web components. React also assumes that all DOM events have corresponding "event properties" (onclick, onmousemove, etc), and uses those instead of calling addEventListener(). This means that to properly use more complex web components you often have to use ref() and imperative code. (For more information on the limitations of React's web component integration, see Custom Elements Everywhere.)
React is working on fixes to these issues, but in the meantime, our wrappers take care of setting properties and listening to events for you.
The @lit-labs/react package provides two main exports:
createComponent() creates a React component that wraps an existing web component. The wrapper allows you to set props on the component and add event listeners to the component like you would any other React component.
useController() lets you use a Lit reactive controller as a React hook.
The createComponent() function makes a React component wrapper for a custom element class. The wrapper correctly passes React props to properties accepted by the custom element and listens for events dispatched by the custom element.
createComponent takes an options object with the following properties:
tagName: The custom element's tag name.
elementClass: The custom element class.
react: The imported React object. This is used to create the wrapper component with the user supplied React. This can also be an import of preact-compat.
events: An object that maps an event handler prop to an event name fired by the custom element.
Children of component created with createComponent() will render to the default slot of the custom element.
<p>This will render in the default slot.</p>
To render the child to a specific named slot, the standard slot attribute can be added.
<pslot="foo">This will render in the slot named "foo".</p>
Since React components are not themselves HTML elements, they usually cannot directly have a slot attribute. To render into a named slot, the component will need to be wrapped with a container element that has a slot attribute. If a wrapper element interferes with styling, like for grid and flexbox layouts, giving it a display: contents; style (See MDN for details) will remove the container from rendering, and only render its children.
The events option takes an object that maps React prop names to event names. When a component user passes a callback prop with one of the event prop names, the wrapper will add it as an event handler for the corresponding event.
While the the React prop name can be whatever you want, the recommended convention is to add on in front of the event name. This matches how React is planning to implement event support for custom elements. You should also make sure this prop name does not collide with any existing properties on the element.
In TypeScript, the event type can be specified by casting the event name to the EventName utility type. This is a good practice to do so that React users will get the most accurate types for their event callbacks.
The EventName type is a string that takes an event interface as a type parameter. Here we cast the 'my-event' name to an EventName<MyEvent> to provide the right event type:
Casting the event name to EventName<MyEvent> causes the React component to have an onMyEvent callback prop that accepts a MyEvent parameter instead of a plain Event:
During a render, the wrapper receives props from React and based on the options and the custom element class, changes the behavior of some of the props:
If a prop name is a property on the custom element, as determined with an in check, the wrapper sets that property on the element to the prop value
If a prop name is an event name passed to the events option, the prop value is passed to addEventListener() with the name of the event.
Otherwise the prop is passed to React's createElement() to be rendered as an attribute.
Both properties and events are added in componentDidMount() and componentDidUpdate() callbacks, because the element must have already been instantiated by React in order to access it.
For events, createComponent() accepts a mapping of React event prop names to events fired by the custom element. For example passing {onfoo: 'foo'} means a function passed via a prop named onfoo will be called when the custom element fires the foo event with the event as an argument.
Reactive controllers allow developers to hook in to a component's lifecycle to bundle together state and behavior related to a feature. They are similar to React hooks in the user cases and capabilities, but are plain JavaScript objects instead of functions with hidden state.
useController() lets you make React hooks out of reactive controllers allowing for the sharing of state and behaviors across web components and React.